For God and Country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend
the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one
hundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the great wars;
to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy
of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on
earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate
and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.
Here is the link for the current Post newsletter or you can go to the links on the left side of page and view current or past newsletters. Am Legion JULY 2024 newsletter
American Legion Riders Post 89, Pella, Iowa - Meeting Minutes
1830 June 13, 2024
Pella Memorial Building, American Legion Boardroom
Present: Brad Bierma (Secretary), Sonny Dittmar, Justin Hersom (Sgt. of Arms), John Hill (Director), Jeff Knutson (Vice), Clyde Triplet. Absent with Notification: Tim Baar (Treasurer), Jimmy Tyree (Chaplain).
- Call to Order
- Read minutes of April 11, 2024 meeting - received by consent
- Membership
- New Members or Guests: Clyde Triplet - Joining as Legacy member
- Continue to recruit and grow ALR among Vets with Bikes.
- Hold Charter membership open until June 2024
- Sick Call:
- Treasurer’s Report (Tim Baar): No Report
- Membership dues ($25) are due annually by March 1, 2024
100% of current ALR 89 membership have paid 2024 dues.
- Venmo account is still under investigation - continued
- Road Captain Report: (Justin) None
- Old Business:
- Apparel
- ALR Caps are available from John for $20. (mesh or full)
- Events
- Tulip Time went well. Great feedback
- Bike Blessing April 13, well received, fun ride. 35 bikes present.
- June 22: 6th District Legacy Run, $20. Registration
- Apparel
Memorial Building Reserved from 0700 to 1200
10am kickstands up from Memorial Building in Pella.
Route: Pella to Pleasantville to Wakee
Coffee and pastries provided by ALR Post 89:
Coffee Pot: Brad at 0700 at Memorial
Pastries: John (appropriate charge)
Breakfast Burritos: Justin ($5.00ish)
Uniform of the Day: ALR Vest
- Communication
- ALR of Pella Facebook administered by John and Jeff.
- New Business
- Leighton 4th of July Parade June 28, 1930. Food at 1700. Fireworks at 10
Contact Director John if you plan to participate.
- Eddyville Raceway 50/50 Raffle June 29, 1500 at Memorial Building. Uniform: ALR or Legion cap.
Bring: raffle table, Blue bag & Hearing Protection
Contact Director John if available, need 8 to 10.
- Pella 4th of July Parade, July 4, 1800 stage in Trinity Church parking lot.
- Suggested Rides (please plan well in advance):
- Aug. 10 Nationals Parade
- State Fair Parade
- Final Salute - possibly Sept 7 to Van Meeter
- Lost in America - Patriot Guard
- Wreaths Across America
- Next Meeting Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 1830 in Indianola (possibly at Crouse Cafe - Justin to investigate)
August meeting, Thursday, Aug. 8, Location TBD
- Adjournment (MSA)
Upcoming Event
Since our charter in 1919, our American Legion Post has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in our preamble below.
To the wonderful patriotic citizens of the Pella,Ia community. Join our Post as a Booster or Sponsor. (click Sponsor or Booster Button for details). 100% of the monies raised are given back to the community. Help us to continue sponsoring Scholarships for our children; give aid and assistance to our local needy Veterans, and their families. Help us to continue to support financially worthy community programs and projects